Glory osebhajajemen Akhuemokhan aka glorious babe (Gee B) Egbenuneghen 1 of Esan land born in the early nineties at st Camillus hospital into the family of Akhuemokhan Joseph Kakulu of Eko kakulu village Agua Irrua Edo state, last born of the house, lost her father to the cold hands of death at her early months of birth. Attended unique group of schools Eguare Irrua, and standard secondary school Edenu Irrua Edo state, got her Bsc at Ambrose Alli University (AAU) Ekpoma Edo state where she studied VOL/TECH (Accounting Department) 2008 >2012…. Severed her Industrial Training (I T) at 7up ijora lagos 2011, A born singer, started utilizing her gift at the age of 7, and started attending church program as a guest artist and started promoting her mother tongue(Esan language) cultural in-heritage and traditions at her tender age by heading a certain cultural group in her village (home town) Eko kakulu till her early tewenties as a legend promoter of Esan language