This movie is a story of woman who died at a tender age. She was killed by an evil man who was asking her mother for sex after the death of her mother. What a wicked Man!
Just because she angrily poured water on him when she ment a louzy arguement on her way from the bath room.
so went to an evil altar and volve her spirit on her way to the market and she recieved an arrow...
After she died her spirit did not rest and she lived in the city again. Married to a man who never know what happened to her.
After years they gave birth and the man decided to see her parents and she declined.
It became an issue till she accepted one day and took him to the village. And disappears and they never saw her again.
The mother was suprised until the husband shows her all evidence. She loved oil rice so well.
This movie was produced by ehi Charles Akhidenor........
nice concept
nice movie
nice story line......
a must watch for every home. learn to watch your back and pray always for the days are evil..
We love you all.....