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Edo council poll: Why I want to be Esan West chairman - Udebhulu

EKPOMA-As the local government election in Edo state draws near, Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu, tells newsmen, in this interview that he is optimistic of securing the ticket of the All Progressives Con­gress (APC) to contest the Esan West council chairmanship poll.

On his identity: “I am Prince Kelly O. Udeb­hulu, an investigative Journalist; an alumnus of CEDAG and a prolific writer, a blogger, a known socio-cultural crusader, a politician and a businessman. I was born into the family of Chief A. A. Udebhulu of Ohon-Urohi, Esan West Local Gov­ernment Area of Edo State. I am married, and the mar­riage is blessed with children. I am a Christian.

Chairman/President, Vicuma Nigeria Limited, a Construction & Investment Services Firm.
Udebhulu, is aspiring to clinch the chairmanship seat of Esan West Council on the platform of APC,expressed confidence that he would scale through the party pri­maries to contest the elec­tion.
On what motivated him to aspire to be the next Esan West Council chairman, he said:

“My aspiration was propelled by two factors. The people are on the lookout for a man who can lay structures that will enable the local gov­ernment to take care of its people, a man who can lead them in the struggle for re­forms that can return the lo­cal government to prosperity and reposition it politically.”

Udebhulu noted that, “As a concerned son of Esan west, I have studied and examined each succeeding chairman with increased ferocity and I can conclude that there is no reason for the local govern­ment to be poor in the light of the enormous resources that are at its disposal. I have an idea about what Esan West should and could be.”

According to him, “One of the greatest evils of our time is the absence of people who are gifted in leadership. It is a pity that because of some people’s inadequacy, our peo­ple have wasted opportuni­ties in governance. Just come to Ekpoma, the headquarters of our local government, it is in a sorry state.

“Our people are not babies. I grew up as a child in Ohon, Urohi seeing how creative, self-respecting, resilient, proud and independent our fathers, mothers, uncles and aunts were, all the way from Urohi through Ekpoma, Ogwa, Ujiogba, Egoro, Igor/Emuhi, Uhun and other towns under Esan West.

“Those people could have run a whole country success­fully given the chance, but our union today has not pro­duced sterling successes, be­cause while our past leaders did their best, they failed to align their party aspirations with the latent powers of our people. Politics without local content is puerile and doomed to failure.”

“I will as a leader, bring the resources of government to respond to their need for ex­pansion through their vari­ous and varied methods of positive entrepreneurial ex­pressions across the land.

“Who says the farmer in Ekpoma or Urohi cannot have access to government support in various forms so as to have an industrial base in the land?

“Until our economic activi­ties are fully industrialized success will be a pipe dream. So tell me, who says the rice farmers and all the yam, co­coyam, fruits, vegetables, cash crops farmers and trad­ers in our domain cannot have access to positive gov­ernment influence?

“One thing I must first say at this point is that, I have the passion to serve with proven track record. Although, I am confident of defending my people if voted as their chair­man, I want to believe that the Edo people are familiar with me because every aspi­rant has a route he or she is coming from.

“My appeal is that we should vote for experienced hands. Most importantly; we should not forget the past and the present conditions under which we are living as individuals and as a people in general. Let not the gifts and other material things we might have received stopped us from voting the right per­son.

“A good government does not tell its people what to do; rather it listens to what they want to do and provide so­lutions to them. Yes, we will keep our promises of good roads, good transportation, electricity and water by work­ing closely with the higher au­thorities, but we must ensure development and self-belief.

“I can only advise my people to know that of a truth there are several aspirants strug­gling from different party lines. But one thing we must bear in mind is that each can­didate has his or her peculiar­ity and antecedent.

“The best thing to do is to take a critical analysis of my record, mind you if we fail to look well it may affect our future.

“For me, there is no fear, if there is a free and fair pri­mary, and the delegates vote the man with a big dream not the one with the big pocket; a man whose policies will re­kindle their dreams not the one who will dash their hopes further, I think my chances are bright.

“So, if monetization is the issue, then the whole process becomes commercialized. Personally, I do not think I want to come and buy votes. I want to come and serve in a manner that will restore the pride and the dignity of the people. Anyone who wants to do that must lead by ex­ample”, he concluded.

“Why would our Univer­sity at Ekpoma graduate good hands every year and they would pour out of our towns and villages to seek better life elsewhere when we can cre­ate a system that could en­tice them to stay and build a life here? “Esan West needs a leadership that must fight for its people. That’s is why I offer myself to lead.”


An Era of New Breed for Responsible Leadership in Esan West Local Government Area, Edo State.

Presented by:

Kelly O. Udebhulu, Chairmanship Aspirant,  Esan West Local gov't., Edo State.

I thank you all for your continued supports towards my ambition to become the Esan West local govt council's chairman.

I enjoin everyone to see this as our project geared towards making Esan west a vibrant socio-economic centre and one of the self-sustaining local government councils in Nigeria.

With this singular view, consultations, observations, evaluations and assessments were carried out to ascertain those immediate needs of Esan west local govt inhabitants and environs. From the assessments and evaluations, while we solicit your supports to ensure we emerge victorious in this election, we are not promising to build castles in the air but must embark on realizable projects as supported by the law. Some of the projects to embark on include inter-allia;

1) Rural and Urban Development:

With respect to the economic importance of Esan West L.G.A., it is imperative that the existing infrastructure of the local government are put in proper fitting. While we focus on building, developing and rehabilitating our markets to make them much more decent and comforting to our sellers and buyers. Roads to and from the markets from major farm roads and link roads to nearest towns would be remodelled and put in motorable states so that merchants within and outside the local government area would find it easier to do business with us which will definitely rub off in shoring up our internally generated revenue (IGR) to avoid over bearing on the state coffers to run the LGA.

Our idea in government is to ensure that the traditional business of our people are enhanced through government supports by way of easy access to credit, markets, and a scheme that will ensure that whatever is produced to good market quality find good markets for the producer. As an indigene I am aware that what causes urban migration from our localities is the absence of value for our people's products and produce, but we will now work to ensure this is reversed for good. Esan West has been the silent food basket of the state ,and in our time this would be clearly known to all. We are tired of our princes and nobles with their children running away from home to become slaves and squatters in other peoples' domains, all because their efforts at progress at home are being rebuffed by a thoughtless administrative regimes over the years.

2). Accessibility:

We will run an open door government where the citizens will have their way and say. We believe that nobody is a repository of all knowledge, hence, the need for community interactive sessions. Our government will take more of the discourse and work on the positives for the overall good of our people.

3). Human and Capital Development:

The development of any society largely depends on the level of mental advancement of its citizenry. Therefore, if our society must grow beyond what we have today, there is every need for us to empower our people in that regard. We are yearning for more entrepreneurs in our society, more graduates, more persons placed on the employment lists across the nation. Our vision is that we will be able to establish more small and medium scale enterprises to enable for self dependence and sustenance. Our institutions are in dire need of development thus, our plans to delve into strengthening them. To this end we would have entrepreneurial workshops, mental attitude development in every town as an ongoing programme throughout our administration until our people begin to believe again on the powers of their minds to transform their private lots and those of the society.

4). Humility in Service:

Humility they say is not a sign of weakness, rather strength in disguise. It enables one to learn at the feet of those who know better about the path one is treading on. We are not unaware that Esan West Local govt, Esan land and of course Edo state in general are blessed with great men and women of repute and we have resolved to observe all sense of respect to our elders and leaders.

We promise that those values which are bequeathed on us as a person we shall continue to uphold. We pledge our allegiance to serve you all right.


*Living in Ekpoma is Suffering and Smiling because the Government is far from the Town.

Presented by Prince Kelly O. udebhulu.

"All the roads are totally dilapidated; there is no exemption."

Ekpoma, the commercial nerve centre and the university town of Edo state, is lying prostrate, in ut­ter ruins. It is in shackles, bruised and battered. And no one seems to care. Worse still, the government representatives from the area have been unarguably weak. So, they see no evil and speak no evil because they are afraid of the instincts that they serve. Ekpoma has fallen from grace to grass. It has lost its former glory that dressed it in the admirable robe of the Bendel state's university town. There is no side you can mention and say it is better than the other in Ekpoma.

Late Prof. Ambrose Alli weeps daily from Heaven as he sees his legacies buried in a hurry. The vibrancy that defined the town is gone and the once thriving town is a shadow of itself. Today, Ekpoma is a terrible and indescribable sight. Anyone who knew Ekpoma when it was blazing in glory would weep at the present state of things. Indeed, words are not enough to capture the present state of the once famous town.

“They (pictures) speak for themselves.” And, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.
The popular Ekpoma market is an eye sore. One of the heart-rending scenes is in Ekpoma roads around market round about and union bank where traders display their wares amid the putrid seepage from rotten wastes overflowing the road. There, maggots and flies dance on vegetables and other edibles on sale. Take this: Epidemic is imminent in Ekpoma as sewage flowing down dirty streets is a common sight. It is a wonder how human beings do business under such atmosphere especially when it rains. But they have no other options.

Dilapidated roads: Coming into Ekpoma, you soon discover that something is wrong. To start with, it is not a tea party entering into the town from any point, as all the roads linking it are in terrible condition. The Benin/ Auchi/Okene road is deplorably bad. As soon as you enter Ekpoma axis of the road, you begin to navigate through the valley of the shadow of death. And the fear of evil will be your portion be­cause the area is criminals’ den. In fact, the road is impassable, so drivers drive with the belief that the government is far from Ekpoma.

In the rainy season, Ekpoma is floating, so to say. Most of the roads are flood-prone because there are no drainages and where they exist, they have been blocked.

So, with nowhere to go, the ensuing floods take over the streets and es­cape into homes and business premises. As a matter of fact, some streets have turned to river in Ekpoma. One of the ‘rivers’ is found on the Ihumudumu road by GTbank which leads to Ujemen and Iruekpen towns.

On a rainy day and several hours after the rains, a speedboat can conveniently ply the roads and while the flood lasts, traders at Ekpoma close shops, otherwise their wares will be submerged and destroyed. Many sources disclosed that many people have lost their lives in the potholes while several others had sustained debilitating injuries.

Today, going to Ekpoma through any road is an agonizing experience because a journey of few minutes can last for hours because of the terrible condition of the roads, resulting in traffic bottleneck. The popular Opoji junction along Benin /Auchi road is a scene from the pit of hell.

Like most parts of Ekpoma, you cannot wear shoes when leaving homes. The reason is that all the surroundings are flooded. The only way out is to remove your shoes and fold your trousers, wrappers or skirt to knee length and trek. In fact, when the heavens open up, bike riders disappear because, if they don’t, their motor bikes will be submerged.

At Big Joe motor park and J5 junction near former university guest house at Ikhiro road junction along Benin /Auchi road, it should pass as one of the worst pothole roads on the face of the earth. There, vehicles are trapped every day. In fact, only trucks and other big vehicles ply the road. A car can easily be buried in the gullies on the road and when it happens, the army of jobless young men in the area will jump into the muddy water and push out the trapped vehicle for a fee. They call it, ‘self empowerment or Devel’. Borehole road junction near Esan west local government secretariat also needs a special mention in ignominy.

We have Senator. We have House of Representatives and State House of Assembly members. Ekpoma has produced so many successful people in various spheres of life. Ekpoma is not supposed to be abandoned just like that.

So, I’m begging the State and Federal Government to come to our aid because Ekpoma is an important town that has the potential of turning around the fortunes of the country in terms of manpower and technical know-how in agriculture.

*ASSURANCE: I will anchor my administration on transparency and accountability that would return Esan West L. G to its Place of Pride-UDEBHULU

BENIN CITY-A frontline chairmanship aspirant of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State, Prince Kelly O. Udebhulu has promised to anchor his administration on transparency and accountability if elected as chairman of Esan west local government of Edo state by God's grace.

Mr. Udebhulu who gave the assurance while fielding questions from journalists on Thursday at his Benin residence, stated that one of his major priorities would be to enhance the infrastructural development of the area, and to boost the human capacity base of the people, through youths and women empowerment.

“I am propelled by a profound desire to return Esan west local government to its pacesetter status among the league of local governments in Edo state.

"To achieve this, however, I intend a consolidation of the good works and legacies of late Prof. Ambrose Alli; for I am sincerely convinced that they constitute necessary foundation stones in my vision to take Esan west local government to new frontiers of development,” he said.

He stated that there are factors that predispose people, particularly the youths to crime, disclosing that he will tackle the issue of crime through the massive empowerment of the youths, who form the bulk of those involved in violent criminal activities. He sees those engaging in armed robbery, kidnapping and other sundry criminal activities as frustrated members of the community who should be assisted, through empowerment.

Mr. Udebhulu disclosed that he will set-up community policing by encouraging and supporting vigilante groups in all wards in the Local Government who will liase with the police to check crimes.

He concluded that infrastructures and facilities such as good roads, health centers and general enabling social/economic environment will be provided to attract investors to the area.


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-An Era of New Breed for Responsible Leadership. I am Prince Kelly Ogbemudia Udeb­hulu, an investigative Journalist; an alumnus of CEDAG and a prolific writer, a blogger, a known socio-cultural crusader, a politician and a businessman. Born into the family of Chief A. A. Udebhulu of Ohon-Urohi, Esan West Local Gov­ernment Area of Edo State. Married and  blessed with children. A Christian. 
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